
Type o negative racist
Type o negative racist

Estimates of the number of racist websites have ranged from 600 sites or fewer to more than 2,000 sites. The rapidly changing nature of Internet content makes such estimates difficult, as does the changing configuration of racist groups and the variation in the definitions used. While it is clear that there has been an increase in the number of racist sites on the Internet, it is difficult to estimate exact numbers. The first website of a racist group was created on the Internet in 1995. Yet emails, chat-rooms, discussion groups and game and music merchandising, all of which have traditionally received less attention than websites, should also be of concern to those wishing to address racism on the Internet.Įxamples from each of these different forms of racist activity are set out below and are taken, where possible, from Australian created content. Websites are therefore important tools for the dissemination of racist ideas. Music and computer game merchandising also plays an important role in propagating and reinforcing racist ideology and recruiting new members into racist groups, particularly for young people. More interactive mediums, such as email, chat-rooms and discussion groups, create the 'sense of community' and interrelation that is essential to ideological persuasion, membership recruitment, and incitement to racist violence. Websites are generally static mediums that advertise racist ideology and refer individuals to other racist resources such as discussion groups. Recent analysis suggests that these different forms of activity play different roles in the propagation of racism. These include websites, computer games, emails, chat-rooms, discussion groups and music merchandising. There are various forms of racist activity on the Internet. Repression of racist activities on the Internet is not yet efficient.Internet technology is easily used and available at low cost and.Racist groups are often internationally organised and the Internet is a global communication system.Racist groups do not usually have access to the regular mass media.

type o negative racist

According to several theorists, the nature of the Internet makes it a particularly valuable tool for racist groups because: The Internet is increasingly used by racist groups to disseminate racist ideology, as well as to communicate to, organise and mobilize members and raise finances through the sale of racist merchandise.

type o negative racist type o negative racist

The terms 'racism' or 'racist' are used to denote an attitude of racial superiority that may be considered offensive by many people, but which may nevertheless be lawful in Australia. By contrast, terms such as 'racism' and 'racist material' do not indicate any assessment of the lawfulness or otherwise of the conduct. The term 'racial vilification' is used to denote racially offensive communication and actions that are prohibited under state or federal law in Australia. The term 'racial hatred' is used in this paper to describe communication that is unlawful under the Racial Discrimination Act 1975.

type o negative racist

The web addresses or names of the racist sites sampled are not included so as to avoid inadvertently publicising these groups. It illustrates the types of Internet material that are of concern to racial equality and human rights groups in this country and the international community. This paper examines the problem of racism on the Internet or "cyber-racism". Race Discrimination Unit, HREOC, October 2002 Contentsġ.3 Racist Music: Publication, Merchandising and Recruitmentġ.5 Interactive Mediums: Emails, Chat-rooms and Discussion-groups Introduction

Type o negative racist